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Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Wrap-Up

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Aug. 20, 2024
Diane B. Rice, Communications Director
Telephone: 910-438-4025
Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Wrap-Up
FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Aug. 19, 2024, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, which was held at 6:45 p.m. in Room 118 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to
Commissioner Marshall Faircloth led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners recognized Daniel Corley, who represented Cumberland County as the 2024 YouthVoice Delegate to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) Annual Conference, which was held August 8-10 in Forsyth County. YouthVoice is held during the NCACC’s Annual Conference in partnership with 4-H Youth Development and Boys & Girls Clubs of North Carolina. YouthVoice provides participants the opportunity to learn about the role of county commissioners and the county budgeting process, as well as develop leadership and communication skills.
The Board recognized Azlyn Raja, who represented Cumberland County at the Resource Conservation Workshop (RCW), which was held June 16-24 at N.C. State University. The RCW workshop offers students a chance to participate in hands-on studies at NCSU in subjects such as soil health, water quality, forestry, wildlife and other environmental topics. The RCW is sponsored by the Division of Soil and Water Conservation of the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Crop and Soil Sciences Department of N.C. State University, and the N.C. Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, in conjunction with the Hugh Hammond Bennett Chapter – Soil and Water Conservation Society of America, N.C. Soil and Water Conservation Commission. The Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District sponsored Azlyn to attend the RCW.
Commissioners recognized the Cumberland County Department of Social Services CARE Center, which received the 2024 Purple Ribbon Award from, which is a program of Alliance for HOPE International. The CARE Center was selected as an Outstanding Local Organization. The award acknowledges the team’s hard work and diligence in ensuring victims and children in crisis are in a safe place. The CARE Center, which operates 24-hours a day, 365-days a year, will be celebrating its 45th anniversary this year with various events planned during October, which is domestic violence awareness month.
The Board unanimously approved the following CONSENT AGENDA items unless otherwise noted:

  1. Approval of Induction of 2024 Agricultural Hall of Fame Nominee
  2. Approval of Proclamation Recognizing Sickle Cell Awareness Month
  3. Approval of Contract for Solid Waste Transfer, Transport, and Disposal Services
  4. Approval of Budget Ordinance Amendments for the Aug. 19, 2024 Board of Commissioners' Agenda
  5. Adoption of Resolution Directing Legal Action to Demolish the Coliseum Inn
  6. Approval of Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session Items
    1. License Agreement for Operation of Café West at West Regional Library
    2. Government Services Center Parking Deck Capital Project Budget Ordinance #250559 and Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures
    3. Proposed State Legislative Goals for Submission to NCACC
    4. Cumberland County Community Development Block Grant Program and Home Investment Partnership Program Amended Cooperation Agreement
    5. Consideration to Transfer Unobligated Funding to Public Sector Workforce: Rehiring Public Sector Staff and Associated Budget Ordinance Amendment #B250626
Following approval of the Consent Agenda, which included a proclamation recognizing September 2024 as Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month in Cumberland County, Director of Public Health Dr. Jennifer Green provided information on Sickle Cell Disease, which she said is an abnormality when the red blood cells in the body are misshapen in the shape of a crescent or sickle, which makes it difficult for them to move through the body and can cause severe pain in people who have the disease. Sickle Cell Disease is inherited from a person’s parents when both parents are carriers of the trait and can shorten a person’s life expectancy by 20 to 30 years. Green said the disease is more prominent in African Americans, but that it is also present in a growing number of Caucasians.
Green said Cumberland County is among the top five counties in the state for new cases of Sickle Cell Disease with 26 babies born with the disease between 2016 and 2020. She said awareness of the disease is important and encouraged parents to have their children given a hemoglobin test at birth and for pregnant mothers to be tested as well as their partners so that they’re better able to prepare in the event they and their partners are both carriers of the trait.
She also recommended using the services provided by Piedmont Health Services, which has a presence in Cumberland County and offers free genetic testing specifically for Sickle Cell Disease, as well as genetic counseling and case management services. She encouraged people to visit or call 910-229-2393 for more information.
“There are lots of resources in the community for folks who think they might have the trait or also have sickle cell disease,” she said.
Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart also encouraged awareness, saying that she was a carrier of the disease and that she has a grandchild and a sister who both have the disease.
“This is very near and dear to me,” Stewart said. “It’s still one of those diseases that doctors just don’t know much about.”
PUBLIC HEARINGS were held for the following items:
  1. Public Hearing and Approval of Resolution for the Issuance of Tax-Exempt Bonds Not Exceed $40,000,000 by the Public Finance Authority to Finance the Cost of Acquiring, Constructing, Equipping, and Furnishing the New Medical School on Behalf of Cumberland County Hospital System, Inc. D/B/A Cape Fear Valley Health System – Cape Fear Valley Health System has asked the Public Finance Authority to issue tax exempt bonds not to exceed $40 million for a new medical school on the campus of Cape Fear Valley Medical Center located at 1638 Owen Drive, Fayetteville. Because the Corporation is a 501(c)(3) organization, federal income tax law requires that the issue be approved the Board of Commissioners. The bonds do not constitute a debt of Cumberland County and the County is not liable for the bonds. The Board voted unanimously to approve the Resolution.
  2. Revision of the Minimum Housing Code – The County Attorney has rewritten the County’s Minimum Housing and Nonresidential Building Code to eliminate provisions for nonresidential buildings and add abandoned structures in accordance with changes that have been made to Chapter 160D of the N.C. General Statutes which removed nonresidential buildings provisions and added abandoned structures to coverage of the minimum housing codes. The code has been retitled the Minimum Housing and Abandoned Structures Code. Because the new code imposes a criminal penalty on the owner of a dwelling allowing occupancy after the dwelling is ordered to be vacated, it must be voted on and approved by the Board at two meetings. A public hearing is also required. The Board voted unanimously to approve this item, which means it will be presented at the Board’s next regular meeting for final approval.
The following REZONING CASES were considered:
  1. CASE # ZON-24-0026- Rezoning from R6A Residential District and C3 Heavy Commercial District to C2(P)/CZ Planned Service and Retail Conditional Zoning District or to a more restrictive zoning district for 1.54 +/- acres; located at the northeast corner of Cumberland Road and Carbine Street, submitted by Greg Stewart (Agent) on behalf of Side Bet Ventures LLC (Owner). The Board voted unanimously to approve the rezoning request.
  2. CASE # ZON-24-0019- Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to R20 Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for 8.92 +/- acres; located at 1312, 1314, and 1338 Sand Hill Road, submitted by Mike Adams (Agent) on behalf of Bridgitte Keim, Jerod Hicks, Douglas Hicks, Ramona Raeford, and Angela Battle (Owners). The Board voted unanimously to approve the rezoning request.
  3. CASE # ZON-24-0024- Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to A1A Agricultural District or to a more restrictive zoning district for 3.62 +/- acres; located at 2660 Gainey Road, submitted by William & Teresa Trogdon (Owners). The Board voted unanimously to approve the rezoning request.
The following APPOINTMENTS were made:
  1. Transportation Advisory Board (2 Vacancies): Debra Kinney (Reappointment) and Tacarra Manuel (New Appointment)
  2. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (4 Vacancies and 6 Designees): Juvenile Defense Attorney Kiana Rivers, Under 21 Representative Dr. Annette Skinner-Coleman, At-Large Mike Fiala and Swan Davis, Chief of Police or Designee Leonard Honeycutt, Local Sheriff or Designee Stephen Marable, Local Superintendent or Designee Kerri Young, District Court Judge Designee Judge Cheri Siler-Mack, Health Director or Designee Dr. Jennifer Green, Parks and Recreation Representative Crystal Glover
The Board adjourned the meeting at 8:13 p.m.
Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.govYouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.
You can also follow the Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.
Two people shaking hands

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Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart recognizes Daniel Corley, who represented Cumberland County as the 2024 YouthVoice Delegate to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Annual Conference, which was held August 8-10 in Forsyth County.
A couple of women holding a certificate

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Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart recognizes Azlyn Raja, who represented Cumberland County at the Resource Conservation Workshop (RCW), which was held June 16-24 at N.C. State University. Raja was sponsored by Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District.
A group of people posing for a photo

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The Board of Commissioners recognized the Cumberland County Department of Social Services CARE Center, which received the 2024 Purple Ribbon Award from, which is a program of Alliance for HOPE International. The CARE Center was selected as an Outstanding Local Organization. Pictured from left in front are DSS Director Brenda Reid Jackson, Assistant Director of Social Work Services Kristin Bonoyer, Adult Services Division Chief Tamica Lyons, Adult Services Program Manager Brittany Borders, Teresa Curry, Fayetteville Police Retired Victim Advocate, Board of Commissioners Vice Chairwoman Dr. Toni Stewart, CARE Center Human Services Clinical Counselor Tashima Wilson and CARE Center Victim Advocate Jacqueline Lee. County Commissioners pictured (back row) are Veronica Jones, Marshall Faircloth, Jeannette Council, Michael Boose and Jimmy Keefe.

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