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Offices are closed due to anticipated inclement weather. Thursday morning's Chamber Coffee Club has been canceled.

Highland Presbyterian Church

Highland Presbyterian Church


About Us

In November 2019, Highland Presbyterian Church celebrated its 70th anniversary. Seventy years ago a number of people invested their money and time towards building not only with bricks and mortar, but also with faithful service. Our current congregation, after more than 70 years, continues to build joyfully on that foundation with our hands, hearts and minds.

1949 Dr. Julian Lake, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, breaks ground for a new church in Ardmore. First worship services begin at First Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoons at 5 p.m.

1950 Worship services moved to 11 a.m. in the Education Building on Cloverdale Avenue. Scouting program begins and Bill Thacker is named the first Church School Superintendent. Dr. George Staples is called as pastor of Highland.

1954 The first youth group is formed. Ground is broken for the new sanctuary.

1956 New sanctuary is completed at a cost of $257,270.99 and the first service is held in the new sanctuary.

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Rep/Contact Info

Chip Stapleton
Senior Pastor

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