Child Advocacy Center, Inc.

Non-Profit/Charity & Human Service
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm
Driving Directions:
Near the corner of Rowan Street & Ray Avenue, across Rowan Street from the BP. The driveway is on Ray Ave in between Allstate and the NC Works Career Center.
About Us
The Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a child-friendly place where a multi-disciplinary team of community professionals join hands to care for abused children. We are an Accredited member of the National Children's Alliance, Darkness to Light Partner in Prevention
Member of the Children's Advocacy Centers of North Carolina, Member of Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina.
Our Mission: To decrease the overall impact of abuse by reducing further victimization to abused children; by increasing the number of successful prosecutions of perpetrators; by encouraging parents and caregivers to stop abusive and neglectful behaviors; by reducing the long-term costs to society; and by decreasing the number of child abuse victims through awareness and prevention education.
Video Media



Rep/Contact Info
John Webster
Executive Director
- Phone: (910) 486-9700
- Send an Email
- PO Box 488 Fayetteville NC 28302