Post Real Estate Licensing Class 301
Classes 4 hours per day 5:30pm-9:30pm every Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur. This is an IN PERSON class blended with the Zoom Class.
You are required to have a physical copy of the NC Real Estate Manual. The cost of the book is $50, and it is mandatory for the class.
Post 301 (Broker Responsibilities) - This course is one of the three 30-instructional hour courses in the North Carolina mandatory Post Licensing (PL) education program. The primary objective of the courses is to provide instruction at a level beyond that provided in Pre-licensing courses on topics deemed to be of special importance in the active practice of real estate brokerage.
Topics addressed in this course include:
Broker Responsibilities, Review Transactions, Legal Obligations, Compensation Issues, License Status and more.
Date and Time
Monday Sep 9, 2024 Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Fee $225 per class.