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Offices are closed due to anticipated inclement weather. Thursday morning's Chamber Coffee Club has been canceled.

Temple Baptist Church


ChurchNon-ProfitReligious Groups and Organizations

About Us

What should I wear?
At Temple we encourage you to come as you are. God sees our heart and that's what He cares about; it's not about the style of clothing we choose. Some people will dress in jeans, others will be wearing business-casual attire, and some will be in suits and ties.

Is there childcare during worship?
We have worship opportunities that are age appropriate for all of your children during our 11:00 am worship service.

Nursery is available for children ages birth to 2 years old.
Children's Church is available for children 3 years old to Kindergarten.
Kid's Church is available for kids first through fifth grade.

What is your worship service like?
Sunday mornings at Temple provide a worshipful atmosphere, featuring a blended style of music. You will find a blend of traditional hymns, as well as many modern/contemporary songs. We have a worship choir, praise team, and band followed by an encouraging and inspiring message from God's Word!

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Rev. Christopher Michael Autry
Senior Pastor

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