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Offices are closed due to anticipated inclement weather. Thursday morning's Chamber Coffee Club has been canceled.

Queen Bee Boba Tea



About Us

Whatever you call it, in its most basic form, the drink consists of black tea, milk, ice, and chewy tapioca pearls, all shaken together like a martini and served with that famously fat straw to accommodate the marbles of tapioca that cluster at the bottom of the cup.

Queen Bee is a unique and fast-growing Boba Tea brand with new technology founded in 2023. We do not offer franchising; all Queen Bee Boba Tea are operated by our professional management team. We want to keep our brand’s quality and customer service consistent. We do offer limited partnerships within the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia area as well as Out-of-Area partnerships.

Rep/Contact Info

Thu (Alex) Bui

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