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Offices are closed due to anticipated inclement weather. Thursday morning's Chamber Coffee Club has been canceled.

Karen Chandler Trust


Non-Profit/Charity & Human Service

About Us

Our Mission
The Mission of The Karen Chandler Trust is to support cancer patients and their families and promote community awareness.


The KCT accomplishes it's mission by:

- operating through a 100% volunteer board,
so that every dollar raised goes to assist local patients.

- assisting patients with rent/mortgage payments, utility bills, transportation costs, grocieries, etc.

- skipping the ''Red-Tape'', which allows us to react quickly to help those in need.

- holding annual fundraising events, which offers a format through which we can educate our neighbors about the hardships and needs faced by local cancer patients.

- assisting patients with gaining access to the appropriate organizations to apply for long term public assistance.

Rep/Contact Info

Mike Chandler

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