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Offices are closed due to anticipated inclement weather. Thursday morning's Chamber Coffee Club has been canceled.




About Us

ENSYSTEX was founded in 1994 by pest control operators intent on changing the landscape of the professional pest control industry. To our knowledge, our effort represents the first time that pest control operators have ever started a chemical company intent on developing and marketing a products for the industry.

In the face of a structural pest control industry dominated by a few large chemical companies, we fully understand why it has been difficult for many PCOs to take our small effort seriously, however the registration of our bait product, Labyrinth and our subsequent registration of a multitude of additional pest control products, should serve as a wakeup call to those that doubted the extent of our commitment or our willingness to devote the necessary resources to bringing these products to market.

More than anything else, the development of EXTERRA and the Thor line of products is proof of what devotion to an idea by a small group of individuals working together can accomplish. Our ever increasing list of pest control professionals is proof that this idea has truly met the needs of our structural pest control industry.

Thank you for visiting our website and call us at 1-888-398-3772 for more information on our products.

Rep/Contact Info

Lisa Smith

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